BMI has many useful tools for a working musician to expand
business and develop new forms of revenue. One such tool related to marketing
and branding is a simple two
page pdf file that outlines simple questions to ask yourself while
developing a brand strategy. Another recent service is the BMI Live service, which
allows performing artists to register concerts and then receive a portion of
the performance licensing fees collected from venues by BMI.
BMI is active in representing artist right in legislation.
This past March BMI was invited to speak in a round table with the U.S.
Register of Copyrights to recommend industry best practices and help
communicate the importance of intellectual property rights in the music
industry. Two recent legislative acts
that highlighted a need for clearer communication and the need to protect
rights while also protecting privacy of individuals were the anti-piracy acts (SOPA
and PIPA). These two acts lead to a
clash over the right to fair compensation for performance/broadcast of IP and
the privacy of the individual and possible censorship of websites.
When making a choice for a performance rights company,
review the needs of your business and the community of artists in your particular
genre. Weigh the options of tools and the benefits that are offered by each to
determine which organization will be the best fit. Please feel free to comment
on this thread about your experience with any rights company or if you would
like further information on my own experience.
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